School Cancelations and Delayed Openings

We recommend everyone check the weather forecast regularly, so as not to be blindsided by a snow or ice event.

Whenever possible, JPS weather decisions will be made the night before an impending storm to allow parents time to plan. That said, unexpected squalls or black ice issues can occur without notice.

When a storm is predicted and there is any possibility that the roads will interfere with school the next day, we will send students home with their Chromebooks just in case.

Whenever possible, rather than lose a day of school to be made up in the summer, we will do a Remote Snow Day Schedule. This is an abbreviated day to allow for some of that magical snow-day enjoyment.

We will post on; check under J for John Powers School AND for your home school district.

If your local schools are delayed or closed, your bus will respond accordingly (for instance, if Exeter has a 2-hour delay, the bus for Exeter students will pick up 2 hours later).

If your home town’s school district cancels, but JPPS does have school, your child will have an excused absence. You are welcome to drive your child to and from school if you prefer (drop-off no earlier than 7:45, pickup no later than 2:00).